Wednesday, December 20, 2023
A reliquary of wood
Monday, December 18, 2023
Veritas Box Maker's Plow Plane
I received two planes from Lee Valley today, left and right plow planes of a smaller size suggested for box making. Like other Veritas planes made by Lee Valley, they are works of art. The crafting of them is exquisite.
Plow planes are used for cutting grooves in wood but can also form beads and coves. In box making you can imagine using them to cut grooves for inlay, or for bottoms to fit. With other cutters installed, beaded edges or panels could add interest to a lovely box.
The tight curls of walnut behind the plane in the photo below were formed in my first test use of the right handed plane.
These are lovely in their design and perfect in their manufacture. They can be ordered here.
Make, fix and create...Sunday, December 17, 2023
a flush cut saw
If you are a box maker, a saw I recommend for your own Christmas stocking is a small flush cut saw, also of Japanese design. I use this saw to trim miter keys flush at the corners of boxes, and with careful use, it will do so without marking the surrounding wood. It cuts quick. I bought two that have kept sharp through several classes and multiple student uses.
I prefer the Tamatori single edge flush cut saw over the version with two cutting edges as it allows me to guide the back edge of the saw flush against the work without scraping my fingers with the teeth on the back edge.
Make, fix and create...
Thursday, December 14, 2023
The details and application form can be found here:
The program is designed to help woodworkers take their work to the next level. Both the wood turning and flat work studios will be available. With on site lodging, we expect lots of collaboration and fellowship among participants.
The display cabinet shown above is some of my earlier work.
Make, fix and create...
Friday, December 8, 2023
glue spreaders
I began using simple plastic glue spreaders while teaching kids at the Clear Spring School. One of the things you'll soon notice when kids use glue is the mess.
These glue spreaders work great. Just as advertised, the dried glue comes right off, and they're cheap enough that you can give them to all your woodworking friends and thereby improve the quality of their own work. These are perfect for applying just the right amount of glue in tight places or for gluing linings in small boxes.
I've used them for years and at $9.95 for 70 of them you'll get a lifetime supply. The ring around the working end is useful. It holds the messy end up off the workbench.
If you buy through this link I get a small commission as an amazon associate... a bargain for each of us.
Cubitron Sanding Discs
I was introduced to these excellent sanding discs from Taylor Tool Company They do an excellent job of dust removal and last far longer than other sanding discs. The placement of the dust extraction holes removes the concern with aligning them just right on the sanding pad. And they are hard to wear out. This link to provides a small commission when you buy a set.
Make, fix and create...
Sunday, December 3, 2023
Making stash boxes
The top is frame and panel construction, and the drawer is made with a mortise and tenon technique that I always use on small drawers. The wood used is walnut except for the bottom panels (Baltic birch) and the drawer sides (maple.)
Plans for a similar box can be found in my book Beautiful Boxes: Design and Technique
With the stash box finished, it will be shipped tomorrow.
Make, fix and create...
Sunday, April 30, 2023
Table saws are ill equipped to rip cut 30° joints required for a triangular box because the blade will only tilt to 45°. The solution is to cut with the wood standing up alongside the fence with the blade set at a 60° angle but that's not ideal because as the cut is made there's nothing left to support the wood and it falls down into the blade.
This new jig allows the woodworker to clamp the box part in place so it is carefully carried through the cut. The results are shown in a practice box.
Make, fix and create... Assist others in learning lifewise.
Friday, March 17, 2023
hidden spline lid
A reader had asked to see this box open, perhaps to see more about how it was made. The sides are joined with a hidden spline joint, and the parts of the lid are joined the same way... small pieces of wood fitted between parts, but that are not visible on the outside of the box. The hidden splines in the lid could be compared to the use of biscuits.
In this case, instead of biscuits I used small pieces of 1/8 in. thick Baltic birch plywood inserted in grooves cut with a 1/8 in. router bit.
To cut the grooves for the hidden splines, I use the jig shown.
Make, fix and create... Assist others in learning lifewise.Wednesday, March 15, 2023
Hank Kaminski
A good friend of mine passed away. Hank Kaminski was one of my early friends when I moved to Eureka Springs, and his wife JoAnn was the person I met who told me about this place and suggested I consider Eureka Springs as a place to work as I was ready to move on from doing pottery at Memphis State.
Hank's life and achievements are discussed at the Arkansas Department of Heritage website.
I was honored to have been a panel member selecting Hank as an Arkansas Living Treasure.
I explained to the panel that I would recuse myself from voting because Hank was like a brother to me, but the panel voted unanimously and at the age of 79 he was named the Arkansas Living Treasure of 2018.
I’ll be in Portland for the coming week so will have to miss the celebration of his life to be held on Saturday. Hank and JoAnn were such important persons in my early days in Eureka Springs and played such important roles in our development as an arts community. I always felt that Hank was my big brother in the arts… he always being a bit ahead of things. He gave me confidence for my own growth.
I was looking up at the moon this morning against a clear blue sky and wondered that the moon had no eyes to look back. Its movements around our planet have such profound effect, and yet we do not know whether it has the wondrousness of consciousness that life provides. Can it know love?
Artists are trained to look at both positive and negative space. The positive space is occupied by that which falls between the lines. The space beyond is not empty space, but is filled with all else... the relationships that bind us, each to each other.
Physicists tell us that once two particles are entangled with each other they can be thrust to the furthest ends of the universe and what happens to one is known to the other. It may feel as though Hank has been cast beyond reach. But the truth is that even when we are apart, our lives have been entangled and that entanglement is a thing that gives meaning. We are larger in each other than grief allows us to comprehend.
As I was watching the moon, a jet plane flew across its path. It was much too high to be landing at XNA, but I knew from having flown that it was full of beings, each having a consciousness that the moon might envy, connected not only with each other but beyond, each having personal connections at each end of their flight. What a wondrous thing it is that we live this life and that our lives cross.
The photo shows Hank with his Peace Globe in Fayetteville, AR.
Make, fix and create...
Friday, February 24, 2023
My Carter letter

Thursday, February 23, 2023
An advantage of this method is that all four sides of a box can be clamped together on the sliding portion of the jig to be cut at the same time. Two cuts (and some additional fiddling about) and you've got a box.
Make, fix and create... Assist others in learning lifewise.
Thursday, January 12, 2023
Hidden spline joints
This video featured in the FineWoodworking weekly newsletter can be found on the Fine Woodworking website through this link or on my youtube channel at youtube/MrDougStowe
Make, fix and create...
Monday, January 2, 2023
Installing miter keys in a keyed miter box
Sunday, January 1, 2023
They can be simple or more ornate, they can be textured and painted with milk paints. They are fun.
One of the founders of Home Depot, one of the world's largest suppliers of do-it-yourself supplies has decided that Americans would prefer to be fat and lazy. So who does he think shops in his stores each day? Folks like you and me who want to make stuff and make stuff happen for the world and the American economy.
Make, fix and create. Happy New Years! Need a resolution? Make something before the year is out. You've plenty of time before the next holiday season.