month Fine Woodworking introduced a "clever new jig" to guide the
routing of mortises for butt hinges on small boxes. I introduced the
type of template and routing technique in an earlier issue of FWW, but
also in my books dating back to 2001, and in an article I wrote for
Woodwork magazine while this century was quite young.

jig they introduce is in fact pretty nice, but certainly not state of
the art. In order to do left then right, the jig needs to be taken
apart and reassembled between steps. I have a similar jig (as shown)
that does not need to be altered in use. In fact, you simply slide the
jig left, clamp in place, then rout, then slide right to rout the
matching hinge mortise. Blocks of wood along one edge and at each end
make certain of its location on the box. So it is essentially fool
proof. Squaring the corners of the mortises is done with a chisel using the template as a guide. The photos show how it can be clamped on the left and right on
the lid and body of a box.
This jig is useful for boxes
up to 11 inches long and took less than 15 minutes to make. It can be
just as quickly made for other sizes of hinge. I plan to make another
one for even smaller boxes.
Make, fix and create... Teach others to do likewise.