Saturday, December 17, 2011

making wooden hinges...

Open, the wooden hinge is attractive.
Yesterday I made a prototype wooden hinge as a sample for the editors of Fine Woodworking. In order to keep articles coming through magazines I have to keep busy pitching proposals, and in this case, the editors wanted to actually see a box made with the technique I was describing to them. My idea is to write an article showing at least two ways in which wooden hinges can be made, and I know from teaching that wooden hinges always interest my students just as they will subscribers to Fine Woodworking Magazine.

The box shown in the photos is a "recipe box" made of black locust. The size is intended to offer the space required to hold recipe cards. The box is not finished. I will do additional sanding and apply a Danish oil finish.


Jerry said...

Hi Doug

I really like the hinge on the Locust box.
Where you able to do the article on how to make them?


Doug Stowe said...

Sorry, I could not get the magazines interested in it.